I acknowledge that by ticking the "I accept Terms & Conditions" tickbox I am the parent/guardian for the student/students I wish to register. I have read, understood and fully agree with all points mentioned in the terms, conditions and liability waiver sections of this document. Failure to read the terms & conditions & Liability waiver does not absolve the parent/guardian from responsibility in regard any aspect of this document.
Terms & Conditions & Liability waiver.
I (Parent/Guardian) certify that my child is physically fit to participate in any and all sports/activities run by JSA and its partners. I also declare that my child has no health-related injuries/conditions (past and/or present) that may become a liability to his/her wellbeing during the participation in any JSA classes, tournaments, special events, etc.
I accept the terms and conditions and understand that sports are potentially injury-prone activities, and will not hold JSA, its coaches, staff, patterns and affiliate locations liable for any sport related injury(s) that my child may incur while participating in classes, competitions and/or special events. I have answered honestly to the above questions and take responsibility for my child during the scheduled activity/special event organized by JSA at any of its affiliate sports facilities and locations.
In addition, I understand that JSA and/or it coaches and staff will NOT be responsible for participants before or after lessons/classes or special events (Please arrange for prompt drop off and pick up for each class or event).
I further agree that photographs, video recordings, papers written, or interviews taken with my child in association with a JSA activity is the intellectual property of JSA and can be used by the activity directors, instructors or their designate for publicity or promotion without notification or compensation.
Liability Waiver:
This is to notify you that Jump Sport Academy LLC (JSA), its affiliate sports facilities, partners and all staff will NOT be held responsible for any sports related injury(s) to any participant during any and all scheduled trainings, lessons or special events. Sports are potentially injury prone activities; thus, parents and participants must be aware of the risks involved.
I accept that Jump Sport Academy LLC (JSA) is operating in compliance with all precautionary and preventative measures outlined but the authorities to minimize the spread of COVID-19.
I understand the risks associated with COVID-19 and I shall not hold Jump Sport Academy LLC (JSA) responsible if I or my child contract COVID-19.
Covid-19 Questionnaire
If you answered YES to any of the above questions a negative PCR test ir required to be submitted to JSA prior to gaining access to our activities.
Policies & Procedures:
Term Fees:
Fees must be paid to JSA in advance of your first class.
Refund Policy:
Make-up Classes:
Make-up classes will ONLY be available to students who are seriously ill, communicate their absence prior to class, provide a doctor’s note and redeemed in the same term.
Personal Belongings:
JSA and/or its staff will not be held responsible for loss or damage of any personal belongings.
Health Conditions and Considerations
Does your child have any medical conditions JSA should be aware of? If yes, please notify JSA via email (office@jumpsports.ae) with your child’s name and a description of the condition(s). JSA staff must be kept up to date of all potential health issues to keep students safe at all times. In addition, a medical note from your child’s physician must be submitted to JSA staff, verifying that your child has been cleared to participate in activities organized by JSA.